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‘Tis Love Month – Love Your Life!

Each February there’s a special ‘love is in the air’ feeling as we build up to ‘Valentines Day’. However, then somehow the ‘vib’ tends to wane a bit till next the special day comes around. Let’s look a little deeper into what this special day may mean for us and explore how we can expand this to nurture ourself all year round.

Love is in the Air

Valentines is renown as that special date when we perform those extra romantic gestures for our special loved ones. Maybe spending quality time together, dinning out, giving gifts, surprises and more. If we do some research into Saint Valentine’s history you’d probably find there’s several different stories. However there’s a common theme, with a strong belief in the power of love.

The Power of Love

It’s said that ‘the power of love is a curious thing’ as sung by Huey Lewis in the 80’s. It’s a word that may have so many different meanings, depending on the circumstances. As we know, romantic love for a partner may hold a different flavour than those feelings a parent has for their child, maybe for a pet, artwork, a career, hobby, sport, a car and so on.

The theme for this article however is more about how we may enhance our wellbeing with the love we can have for our-self and how we can love our life. Once we are able to cultivate this for ourself, we may then enhance even more so the way we love others.

Love Your Life

The classic early 90’s self-help book by Louise Hay, ‘Love Yourself, Heal Your Life’ was a wonderful resource to help many with enhancing self-love by positive thinking. For decades now, many healers have been using her teachings to help enhance awareness on the importance of loving our self and our life.

Amongst many things, loving your life is about being clear and specific about what we deserve in life. It may be about clearing away old embedded sabotage patterns like ‘I’m not good enough’ and gaining the courage in authorising ourself to create the life that we truly desire.

Reflections of Love

It’s said that love is like a mirror. It all about perceptions. When the reflection is clear, what we love reflects the true core of our essence. However sometimes these reflection may become distorted. When cloaked, much of what we may think we love may be driven by other illusionary aspects of us.

It’s often said, ‘crazy in love, madly in love, desperately in love’ as various ways to express a frenzy of desire. Hence, it’s highly beneficial to become aware of different sensations within us and what they actually represent. As an example desire can have a very different energy to passion.

Zest for Life

Our ‘zest’ reflects our hearts passion for life. This is then met with an enthusiasm and eagerness to jump in and get engaged in life. Remember, every thought and action that we have is creating our future. We can either hold back in resistance or we can respond in a more creative way.

As we have a zest for life, we embrace each day with an enhanced enthusiasm . We’re more eager to respond to challenges and to turn things around for the better. As our life is a reflection of ourself, the more that we love ourself, the more that we may love our life.

Your Mojo

So many people so much of the time are not doing what they love. Hence they don’t have the time or energy to do what they truly love. If we’re you’re not doing what you love, then what are you doing? Sure, we can’t always be doing everything that we love. Remember, just as to change tack in sailing, sometimes we may need to take a step back or to the side before we can move forward. However at least if we are still aiming towards what we love then we are winning.

We are all unique in many ways. We all have unique desires, talents and abilities. Your ‘mojo’ is about finding your special niche, it’s where you shine more than anyone else. As you find, ignite and boost your mojo your are not only doing yourself a big favor, but your also helping the whole world, in your own special way.

Your Next Step

To assess your enthusiasm, vitality, joy and passion for life – ‘Zest-Test’ – click here

For more info. and to book for the upcoming ‘Mojo-Mentoring’ 1 Day Seminar and Playshop – click here

About Ron Bass

Ron Bass Holistic Life Coach - Naturopath - Counsellor - Remedial Therapist - specialising in Stress, Pain & Fatigue Management


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